Gender & Healthcare: Part IV

Microaggressions & Culturally Competent Healthcare As healthcare providers for transgender, gender non-conforming or gender non-binary people, it is extremely important to continue learning about the population you treat because terminology and other things are changing constantly.  It isn’t necessary to be perfect or never make mistakes, but it is important to be understanding of the…

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Gender & Healthcare: Part III

Terminology In the area of gender and healthcare, please know that terminology is changing daily and there is no way to be up on all the latest terms all the time.  You can only do the best you can to attempt to stay connected to the community and respond to terminology changes and additions long the…

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Gender & Healthcare: Part II

As a healthcare provider, I notice where we drop the ball and don’t provide the best healthcare to many people. I also recognize several areas where we can make pretty simple changes for a large impact the transgender, gender non-binary (GNB) and gender non-conforming (GNC) population.

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Gender & Healthcare: Part I

This is the first in a series of blog posts that will cover several ways in which healthcare workers can help make the healthcare experience more comfortable, safer, and accessible for transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-binary individuals.

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Courage over Comfort

Kimberly Atwood is a gender-affirming therapist with experience and passion on this topic. She would like to help other healthcare workers become more aware of their own biases; how they may hurt without meaning to; while also giving them tools to help gender nonconforming people feel more safe, comfortable and welcome.

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