Isn’t it interesting how easily we seem to absorb the negative things in life, yet the positives just slip away? It’s as though the compliments, positive feedback, and the small things that bring us joy in life just slips through our fingers like water. Why is it so hard to hold onto the positives, while…

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Five easy things to try when you are feeling anxious: 5 – Listen to music!  Find some music you haven’t listened to in quite some time.  It may just bring a smile to your face, make you dance or laugh.  Use music to help you get motivated to do something you’ve been meaning to do…

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Why do we frequently beat ourselves up in our heads?  Have you ever really listened to how you talk to yourself?  When you notice your inner voice, it usually isn’t pretty.  We tend to be much more critical of and downright mean to ourselves than we would ever be to another person.  Many of us…

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