Ever Have a Dream About Your Ex?

Dream interpretation is a fascinating area of study and just plain fun. Some dreams can be powerful, healing and insightful. Some dreams may include messages to help you heal or move forward in life. They often help you focus inward and build introspection. Other dreams may just be dreams and either you don’t really even…

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Self-Care in the New Year – Part IV

The last few things I’ll add about self-care… As we’ve been exploring, self-care isn’t just about a bubble bath and exercise.  Think outside the box and find new ways to rejuvenate your energetic supply.  There isn’t a prescription and it will evolve for you over time.  Sometimes we may need a lot more or different…

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Self-Care in the New Year – Part III

Get creative – creativity is so important and helpful when it comes to self-care.  This can be as easy as getting an adult coloring book or making a new music playlist for yourself to listen to (and sing with) in the car. You could take a class in art/music/photography (and many others) or pick up…

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Be Happier, Show Kindness

One of the best ways to create more happiness and joy in your own life is to show kindness and compassion toward others.  You don’t have to take my word for it; just take a few weeks and experiment on yourself. There are many ways to show kindness in this world, so you can also…

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Are you ‘Shoulding’ on Yourself?

Many of us spend a lot of time and energy thinking about how we should be feeling, what we should be doing, or what we should have done. Living in the land of shoulds usually makes us feel lost, wrong and/or bad. It is rare that a should thought is positive in nature. Most of…

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You might be asking yourself – Are you kidding me? Is this a ploy to get me to read your blog? No. Mindfulness training can really be useful in gaining more pleasure from sex (and other aspects of life, of course). First, what is mindfulness? In a nutshell, mindfulness is a way of training your…

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Isn’t it interesting how easily we seem to absorb the negative things in life, yet the positives just slip away? It’s as though the compliments, positive feedback, and the small things that bring us joy in life just slips through our fingers like water. Why is it so hard to hold onto the positives, while…

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